Seria "The circle of life" in
Komodo dragons and a goat story in one of the biggest German magazins "Bild"
Komodo dragons and a goat story in
Mother-orangutan hits wild boar with a stick to protect her baby.
Photo from "Circle of life" seria, small chameleon on a pink flower
Giraffe and red-billed oxpecker, or giraffe and bird-dentist.
A long story of hunting in the Ngorongoro Crater. Three attempts and lions stayed hungry. Nine lionesses and four lions waited for a lunch in the bushes. The lionesses got a scolding from males for left them hungry!
Green Mamba sheds her skin. The phenomenon, which would be extremely difficult to capture in nature, because of high poison of this snake. The whole process took about 5 minutes.
The leopard "settled" in a bird's nest. This tree is unusual for a leopard. A few cars with tourists interrupt his trek and forced to hide. Accidentally it happened to be a big nest on top of tricky bushes. I was lucky enough to witness it on camera.
The bloodthirsty story of the island of Komodo. If you are very sensitive do not watch. About story - the dragons have to be dragons - mighty and bloodthirsty.
Lion accidentally marks of his son right in the face, instead of tree. The reaction of the lion cub and lioness are very expressive.
Happened on Borneo. Mama orangutan kicked away a huge wild pig with a stick to protect her very young son.
Lightning strike looks like it is travelling down the neck of the giraffe as the herd moves along the African plains
Russian photographer Julia Sundukova at first thought the 6m tall animal had been hit by the lightning strike
The sky left her with an ominous feeling as the storm got closer and closer to the giraffes
Pictures of the Day: The best news images from around the world
Our selection of the very best in photo journalism
Lightning Bolt Misses Giraffe
Meteorologist Ari Sarsalari explains how a lucky photographer gets shot that looks like a lightning bolt has hit a giraffe (which it did not) at Etosha National Park in Namibia.
Russian photographer Julia Sundukova thought she captured the shot of a lifetime when she took what appeared to be an image of a giraffe being struck by lightning.

But the giraffe is perfectly fine; if you look closer, you'll notice that the lightning bolt was nowhere near the animals. The giraffes at Namibia's Etosha Park were in a field facing away from the storm and did not see the lightning bolt as it was produced, according to the Daily Mail.
Perfectly timed snap makes baby baboon look like it has an elephant's trunk!
These perfectly-timed images make a gentle giant giraffe look like a carnivorous predator as he chomps down on an unsuspecting oxpecker.
IN a battle of claws and strength, two male Komodo dragons fight for dominance
This is the remarkable moment a pair of Komodo dragons tore a goat to pieces after hunting the animal in a pack on the remote Indonesian island they call home.
Incredible pictures show lemurs bungee jumping down from branches to inspect a camera.
This hungry chameleon cant help but smile after devouring his dinner. [Caters News Agency]
This hungry chameleon can’t help but smile after devouring his dinner.
Stunning photographs demonstrate the bizarre relationship between the animal kingdom's tallest mammal the giraffe and the tiny red-billed oxpeckers in east Africa.
These Lions have the right idea! What better way to spend the day than li-on around!
Nothing beats a good lazy nap during a summer day — even if it's on a tree covered in spikes.
"The lioness with the collar was the mother of the cub she played with," Sundukova said. "There were no males around, so it was interesting to observe how the cubs play and interact with the female."
Leemureid on teada kokku 111 liiki ja alaliiki ning 105 neist on väljasuremisohus, ütleb rahvusvahelise looduskaitseliidu (IUCN) esikloomalistele ehk primaatidele spetsialiseerunud grupp uues raportis.
Este artículo fue hecho gracias al esfuerzo de periodistas profesionales. Si desea compartir esta nota utilice los íconos que aparecen en la página o comparta este link: Copyright ©
Russian wildlife photographer Julia Sundukova, 41, captured the extraordinary moment while travelling through rural Uganda. The euphorbia tree is native to southern Africa and its milky latex is highly poisonous, causing blindness and severe skin irritation. But these fearless felines sprawled on the branches of the euphorbia, also known as the ‘candelabra tree’, to catch up on sleep. These brave lions weren’t at all put off by their choice of napping location – the spiky embrace of the cactus-like euphorbia tree.
The photo was taken by photographer Julia Sundukova while at Hwange Park in Zimbabwe, British news agency SWNS reports. Sundukova, 41, said the heartwarming moment became all the more special because of how intimate the young cub and its mother appeared to be.
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The hilariously timed photo shows a hippo looking like its smoking a "cigar." The hippo was photographed by 32-year-old Russian photographer Julia Sundukova at the Nile River close to Murchison Falls in northern Uganda. Julia said: "the hippo was totally savoring the moment – sunbathing in last for the day sun rays, been massaged by blue Nile's water, chewing a wood stick."
A photographer has snapped a remarkable image of a young lion cub appearing to give a kiss on its mother's nose. The photo was taken by photographer Julia Sundukova while at Hwange Park in Zimbabwe, British news agency SWNS reports. Sundukova, 41, said the heartwarming moment became all the more special because of how intimate the young cub and its mother appeared to be.
Таких животных, как лемуры известно в общей сложности 111 виды и подпункт, и 105 из них находятся под угрозой исчезновения, сообщает международный союз охраны природы (МСОП) esikloomalistele, возможно, primaatidele специализированных групп в новом докладе.
Leemureid on teada kokku 111 liiki ja alaliiki ning 105 neist on väljasuremisohus, ütleb rahvusvahelise looduskaitseliidu (IUCN) esikloomalistele ehk primaatidele spetsialiseerunud grupp uues raportis.
(KIKA) - Litigano, si abbracciano, si coccolano, si proteggono l'un l'altro e si fanno la guerra: gli animali provano tante emozioni e le manifestano proprio come noi.
Avere mal di denti e dovere andare dal dentista non piace a nessuno. Nemmeno a questa giraffa dell’Area conservativa di Ngorongoro, in Tanzania. Ma questo ruminante rimane praticamente immobile, al netto di qualche smorfia, mentre il suo particolare dentista la cura. Si tratta di una bufaga dal becco rosso, un uccello passeriforme africano della famiglia degli storni (Testo a cura di Maria Strada - Foto: Ipa Agency/ Caters News/Yulia Sundukova)