Spitting cobra in a hunting position
This beauty I captured right on the road in the Mikumi Park in Tanzania. As you can see, she is in a hunting position. I didn't know it was a spitting cobra, so I didn't realize the risk. She was just extraordinarily beautiful - shimmering all shades of blue to black, on a yellow sand. Spitting Cobra sends poison in the eye not on luck - she calculates❗ where the eyes of the victim will be 200 milliseconds ahead❗ and throws the poison up to 3 metres to the desired point . If the poison gets on the skin it will not be very nice too. Spitting cobras can fake❗ their death. They do it in the most extreme cases, when the usual methods do not help to cope with the striker. At such moments, the Cobra turned on her back, open wide her mouth and emit a very unpleasant smell of decay. Usually after such scenes the predator goes away still hungry. The venom of the spitting Cobra is dangerous but also very healing. This my luck was published in the first table book with photos from Africa Geographic Magazine.
Yulia Sundukova
copyright Yulia Sundukova moonjul@ya.ru
Africa, animal, endangered, for agencies, nature, reptile, snake, Tanzania, unique